Discover how few students outperform everyone and get better grades with less studying and less all nighters and how you could be one of them !!

Master the Mindset and skills that Top Performing students to get better grades with less studying

Hi, I'm Srinivas Reddy
Founder of this website and author of soon to be released book.............

Why do some students score more marks and top the Exams?

Let’s be honest with ourselves and analyze.

It’s not about having best teachers . Yes, having best teachers may help if you are willing to take advantage of their knowledge. Still, only few students who train under these teachers are successful   in studies

It’s not about time. Every student has same 24 hours a day.

It’s not about intelligence. I know many students personally who are stupid and yet successful  in exams. I am sure you do too.

It’s not about which college you are studying. Your college may give you the identity about yourself. You may or mayn’t like the college you go to. It isn’t the determining factor for your success in exams.

So what makes one student get better grades in exams studying less than you?

I became obsessed with the above question after a teacher in my school told me that i am “stupid”. (She didn’t use the word stupid, she conveyed it indirectly). I was asked to leave the school (luckily they gave a second chance).

I started studying harder than ever before. I would wake up 4 A.M. during exams. I would go an extra mile for preparing for exams.

When the results came I was just an average student. Of course, It is better than “stupid”. It wasn’t what I wanted.

I would look at topper of my class and ask myself: “what is he doing differently from what I am doing?”

I tried to copy him. But there was a problem; I couldn’t notice anything that he is doing different. I thought I am doing everything that he is doing. I was attending all the lectures ( I used to never miss a single class), listen to teacher carefully, make notes, do homework etc. My handwriting was better than his handwriting.

 How do they do it?

I really wanted to know and replicate it. I know for a fact that,  toppers in my school have the same teachers I have, they are not superiorly intelligent than me, the number of hours they put in for studying is also not more than mine. I became OBSESSED to know the answers.  I know if  I could crack this code, then it would make my student life easier and better.

When I couldn’t find answers looking at them, I started asking questions.

How do you study? How many hours do you study in a day?  Etc.... I already knew some of the answers and some answers were surprising.

I noticed one thing though...  They have mastered what they were doing and they themselves didn’t know what they were doing.

It took me years to solve the puzzle. When I saw the complete picture, it surprised me.

To find the answers to the questions, I had made some assumptions about the successful students. Assumptions came from what I was told from early childhood.

Majority of these assumptions were WRONG.

Every successful students has fixed patterns which they were doing it unconsciously. These patterns had become a habit for them. They were completely unaware of these habits.

Let me share few assumptions which I had make which turned out not true at all


 Myth #1:" Top performing students study more than others."

Every student is told this at least once in their life time. I can assure you with 100% guarantee that this is not the case.   Top students normally spend less time than others.

It is incorrect in the first place to equate grades with amount of time spent on studying.

Number of hours spent on studying has almost nil to your results in exams. It is the number of productive hours you spend while studying matters.

 By productive hours, I mean studying with 100% focus. No facebook, no twitter, no email, no chatting etc while studying.

You can train yourself to “be more productive” while studying.

Myth #2: "Top  performing students are born with the natural ability."

It seems that these top students are “natural” in everything they do. What seems very difficult to you do seems very easy for top students.

If you observe closely, all these “habits” can be developed with practice and proper guidance. If you study closely, even the top students trained themselves to do that.  They would have done it in the childhood.

Again, better late than never. If you train yourself with the right habits, your academic performance will reach new heights.

"You have all the resources you need to be successful student”

Yes, did the above statement may feel little exaggerated , but it is the truth.  Have this thought ever came to you....

“If I could just __________, then I will be able to get more marks”.

That above sentence may or may not be true. One thing is for sure, it is stopping you from achieving what you want in academics.   To get what you want, you start looking everywhere. One place you don’t look is inside yourself, where the true answers lie.

What surprises me the most..........

We know that there are better ways for studying ... but still we don’t do anything to improve it and continue doing the same thing.

 We know that there are better ways of studying still we don’t try to find these ways and implement in our life.

We know we can train ourselves to be more productive, but we choose not to do it.

You can choose to let go all the limitations you have as a student , but are you?

FACT: Top Performing Students approach studies differently than other students.

Top performing student’s utilize their resources properly. They know their strengths and weakness.

Top performing students has right mindset towards studies.

Good News: If you know the above things, you can become top performing student as well.

So, what is stopping you?

Yes, did the above statement may feel little exaggerated , but it is the truth.  Have this thought ever came to you....

“If I could just __________, then I will be able to get more marks”.

That above sentence may or may not be true. One thing is for sure, it is stopping you from achieving what you want in academics.   To get what you want, you start looking everywhere. One place you don’t look is inside yourself, where the true answers lie.


One to one Toppers coaching...

In this coaching program, I will coach you personally to become a top performing student. I will share with you right mindset, best scripts and methods that you can implement immediately and see the results.

Remember, it will be a one to coaching program and not a Ebook or video course.

How the One to One coaching works.

Once you decide to become a member of my coaching program, I will send you a questionnaire to fill out. The answers you fill out in questionnaire, will tell me what are your strengths and weakness. It will also tell me where to focus on with you.

 This coaching will be customized to your needs and requirements.

 I will share my best techniques, scripts and methods to make you top performing student. I will help you remove all the mental blocks that you have related to studies.

We will primarily work on 4 areas:

  1. Your reading skills
  2. Your Memory Skills
  3. Your note taking and note making skills
  4. Other skills

Other skills include concentration, time management,  exam tips, productivity etc.

 Here is a sample of what you will learn in this coaching

  • What is the right mindset for reading text books
  • How to develop laser focus while studying
  • An amazing technique to become more productive and eliminate all the distractions.
  • How to read faster with better comprehension
  • My step- by step process for reading a text book
  • How to discover the main ideas in text book faster
  • How to approach the highly technical subjects with ease
  • How to make better notes from all the books you are reading
  • How to memorize all the important points and even entire text book
  • What are the 2 things that matter the most in your exams. Ignore these 2 things and you will surely fail in exams
  • How to plan for your exams
  • How many hours you should study per day.
  • How to stay motivated
  • How to eliminate all the stress and anxiety you have about exams

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How does the coaching work?

It is a 3 month coaching program, where I will customize and share the techniques according to your needs. You can start applying the lessons and see the improvements from day 1.  For each lesson,  you will be provided with definite action steps.  You are encouraged to take action and share the experience with me.

2. How long does it take  to see the  improvements?

You will start seeing the improvement in the first week itself. Of course, you have to do all the action steps, that I ask you to do.

3. Is the coaching material available for download ?

All the coaching happens through email. So, all the material is available with you all the times

4. What if I fall behind?

Don't worry , as the coaching is done through email. All the lessons will be in your inbox. You can choose to do action steps later.

5. How do I contact support if I have further questions?

If you want help with deciding whether the coaching is right for you or if have any additional  questions, you can email us at

We would be very happy to help.

6. Can your coaching help people with dyslexia?

It is a known fact that dyslexics have different way of learning. The methods and techniques taught will be taught in this coaching will help dyslexics use their natural ability and develop the skill . As each dyslexic is different, we can’t make any specific promise unless we have more information.

"Toppers Coaching Program" isn't for You if.....

  • You're looking for more “new” information without the intention of applying it. (knowledge junkie)
  • You're committed to implement what I am teaching. Please don’t join coahing program. I want only those students who are ready to do whatever it takes to be top performing student.

"Toppers Coaching Program" is for You if.....

  • You are open to learning and trying out new things to improve your studying skills.
  • You are willing to do whatever it takes to become top performing student.
  • You are willing to implement what I am going to teach you.

My Iron-clad 30 day money back guarantee.

The whole purpose of this coaching to make you a top performing student. This coaching is designed to be completed in 3 months.

It is simple: Join the coaching program and try it for one month. If you don’t see any improvement or not satisfied with the coaching program then send me an email  I will refund all your money.