Discover How to read a book in a day, DOUBLE Your Reading Speed…. 
 With Better Comprehension, Longer Retention, And Never lose Concentration Again!  

If you have struggled before with finding time for reading books, completing a book you’ve started reading, have problems remembering what you’ve read, or can’t concentrate while reading, then this is the opportunity you've been waiting for.

Why do you think some people read more books in a year, than most in a life time?

Why do some students always get better grades and top their exams?

Why some businessmen, marketers, journalists, politicians, students and colleagues know about their field like no one else, and they’ve never missed anything new in this ever-changing world?

What do they know that you don't?


My name is Srinivas Reddy and I’m a professional Learning Coach.

My passion for learning how to read faster and perform better started back when I was in school. It all began when I was about to be expelled from school due to my poor performance. I was given a second chance to prove that I can stay in school. From that day on I studied like crazy and made lot of changes. I asked toppers of my class, teachers for tips. I began looking for answers in books, seminars and workshops.

It took me years to solve the puzzle and put everything together. I started implementing the system myself with extraordinary results. In the last 10 years, I read more than 2000 books on various topics. Even today, I read at least one book per week. If time permits, I can read a book a day.

Let me tell you 2 stories on how I applied my system in my life.

In college

In my 2nd year of college, I had a subject that I didn’t like and I didn’t study the subject the whole semester. I bought this subject textbook one day before the exam and started studying it.  I was confident about finishing the book in a day and pass the exam comfortably. And I did it. I could finish entire syllabus and memorized what’s important in approximately 5 hours. Yes, that all it took. 5 hours to study entire syllabus.

Not only that, but I’ve also revised the book few hours before the exam.

I scored 70% in that subject. Only few students could get 70 or higher and I could do it by studying the day before the exam.

Second story is not about how I implemented it in studies but in my business:

Few years back, I read a book called Checklist Manifesto by Atul Gawande.  I liked the book so much that I read the book in one sitting. This book focuses on creating checklists in your personal and professional life.

Even though I knew about checklists before, this book gave me lot of clarity about the topic and motivate me to prepare checklists. I implemented the concept in both business and personal life. Implementing it saved me 100s of hours in my life and it still saves me lot of time.

I could save 100s of hours because I implemented the concept I read in a book.

I am telling you these stories to show you what you can do once you master these skills.

I have been a fast reader for 10 years now. This skill has been a life changer to me and it added many years on top of my age.

What you can do with these skills is not limited to what I’ve done or what I’m going to list in here. People have used this skill in various ways. Imagine what you can change for the better if you could master this skill at the earliest. You need to learn it once. Then, your life will never be the same.

Here is what one member of the course has to say... 

Darshan Chavan, Australia

I finished my master's with distinction in spite of having a full time job, and all the credit goes to this course for teaching me speed reading techniques and also numerous memory enhancing tips.
Finally, the peace of mind i got to have while giving any exams if just unbelievable. Every exam i took was like an open book exam

Vimesh Desai, CFA, FRM/PRM Candidate

My Study time has been reduced by nearly 50% in the past 2 years since i took the course

Do you have any of the following challenges?

  • You read slowly.
  • You don’t understand what you have read
  • You don’t recall what you have read.
  • You get bored and distracted when reading

Or you

  • Get overwhelmed by the reading materials you have on your desk and in computer,
  • Have piles of books you “wish” to read but never did,
  • Feel pressure if looking at all the unread emails,
  • Feel you have very little time to finish all the reading material,


If your answered  YES to any of the above questions, you are on right track.  In few minutes from now,  I'll show you how you can solve them once and for ever. I am going to hand over all the secrets I have learned and developed to read faster and learn better.


Ask yourself:

Has anyone taught you how to read? or How to learn?
If your answer is no. Don’t worry, you are not alone. Most of the population across the globe would agree with you.

You would have learned how to read from the age of 5 but you never learnt how to really learn.

But it shouldn't remain like that anymore....

In few minutes from now, you can make a decision to change all of that. You'll learn how you can stand out from the crowd. You will learn how to read faster, learn faster, read more books.

Have you tried to read faster?

You might have tried to read faster before. Out of frustration, you picked up the book and decided to read faster. After few minutes of reading fast, you realized that you couldn't understand anything from the book. This is what happens if you read fast without proper training.

Your brain has been pre-programmed to read at certain speed, if you go beyond that speed, you won’t understand much. To read faster, you must first change the programming and install new habits of reading faster.


Be an Expert Learner Course

Read faster, make effective notes and memorize any information you want

In this course, I will share all my secrets and help you become an expert learner. I will share with you the right mindset, best scripts and methods that you can implement now and see immediate results.

How the course works.

Once you join this course, you will get access to private membership area where all the lessons are shared.  There are in total 12 modules.

In each module, I will share my best techniques, scripts and methods to make you an expert learner.

You get access to one module per week. You’ll have enough time to practice what you have learnt in each module.

What can you expect at the end of this course

If you do all the exercises and follow the instructions in the course, you will:

  • Read faster without compromising understanding and enjoyment. Read 2- 3 times more material in the same time with better comprehension and with more enjoyment.
  • Discover the Main Ideas of the Text Faster. It is very important to find the main ideas without wasting time on irrelevant information.
  • Tackle Highly Technical Subjects with confidence and ease.
  • Become Flexible Reader: Discover strategies to read different materials. Read at different reading speeds for different materials.
  • Cut reading time by more than 50%.
  • Find the time for your favorite books and novels and rediscover the joy of reading.
  • Manage your daily reading targets without any stress or minimal stress.
  • Stay Updated with latest developments in your industry.
  • Learn new skills faster than before
  • Become an expert in many areas.
  • Start focusing 100% on the book you are reading. Your concentration will be unbelievable.
  • Become intelligent.
  • Reduce or eliminate all the Myths, misconceptions and mental blocks you have relating to reading and learning will be history.
  • You will finally stop putting off reading valuable books because reading will become nice and easy!

How many books have you read in last one year?

Most people read don’t read even one book in entire year. If your reading speed is 500 words per minute, you can read a 200-page book in less than 2 hours. You can read entire book in one sitting.

It will take time and practice to reach at this level. As I mentioned above, the questions aren’t Can You but will you?

I promise you, I will share best possible training to help you reach your learning goals. The question now is being you ready to commit to master the reading skill.

We live in an information explosion era where information is doubling at faster than before. In this age reading faster is the single most important skill anyone can have in present day situation.

We live in an age where we have to run to stay where you are. If you cannot read fast and with better understanding, you will be left behind very quickly and others will take over faster than you ever thought.

Here is the course content-

Module 1:

  • What is your reading speed? How to calculate your reading speed?
  • Begin with end in mind: - Setting your learning goals.
  • Set plan of action for next 12 months
  • Sky is the limit- what is possible at the end of the course

Module 2:

  • Biggest mistake every reader makes. This lesson will change the way you look at reading.
  • Myths, misconceptions of reading and speed reading and what are the facts.

Module 3:

  • Your reading habits – what is good and what is bad.
  •  How to overcome your bad reading habits?

Module 4:

  • Improve your reading speed immediately
  •  An experiment and introducing drills
  •  Speed reading demonstration

Module 5:

  • Right mind set for reading
  • Right state for reading a book
  • Step by Step system to read any book.
  • How to find main ideas from any book

Module 6:

  • How to read text books and other technical material.
  • Tips on reading on computer screen and other electronic devices.


    This is the final module on reading skills.

Module 7:

  • What are the different ways of making notes?
  • Introducing mind mapping
  • Complete blueprint of mind mapping
  • Real life examples of mind maps
  • Which Software you can use to make notes on computer

Module 8:

  • Introduction and laws of memory
  • Different techniques of memory
  • Master system to memorize anything

Module 9:

  •  Practical examples and application of the techniques
  • Solution to major Challenge you face while memorizing

Module 10:

  • Remembering numbers made easy
  • How to Memorize numbers

Module 11:

  •  How to memorize entire books – step by step system
  • Case study on how to memorize entire book

Module 12:

  •  How to improve your concentration and develop a laser like focus
  • Study skills – My best tips for studying for any exam.
  • Closing: This is the beginning of a new journey

Beyond online course.

In this course, you will get one on one personal attention. You will be encouraged to ask questions and share any challenges you face. I will be there with you at every step of your journey. I will help you solve and overcome all your problems.

You rarely get this in other courses and in books.

Please don't Join this course If ... 

  • You’re a “knowledge collector”. You tend to buy or download every new course that is available and take no action with the information you’ve learned
  • You’re looking for “Magic pill” which will solve all the challenges you have.
  • You’re not willing to take action and work the assignments you’re given.

If you fall in any of the above categories, please don’t invest in this course. You will waste both time and money. I don’t want that. I want all my students to achieve their learning goals. I will do my level best to help them to achieve the same.

Core Package
  • Complete Online course
  • Strategies, templates, checklists to master your learning skills
  • Email Support for 6 months
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Coaching Package
  • Complete Online course
  • Strategies, Templates,Checklists to master your learning skills
  • Email Support for 12 months
  • Priority support
  • Detailed Analysis of challenges you face while reading - personal attention
  • Accountability
  • Templates, checklists I have made after reading more than 2000 books. I will share them according to your needs.
  • My Notes and analysis of various best sellers
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 Get one to one coaching at every step.

Indian Customers -

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Guarantee: Try 'Be an expert learner Course' for a full 30-Days, 100% Risk-Free

Try the course for 30 days. If you don’t LOVE it, I insist that you get 100% of your money back.

It’s simple: Join the program and try it for yourself. If the strategies, checklists, templates don’t help improve your learning skills in 30 days, I want you to email me. Show me you did the exercises, and I’ll give you all your money back.


Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs)

  • q-iconWho are you? Why should I join this Course?

    My name is Srinivas Reddy. I have been studying speed reading, memory development, mind mapping and other learning techniques for more than 10 years.
    I have read, listened and watched many of the major courses on these topics. I have learnt these skills from world class experts and world memory champions. I also made a commitment to discover all new techniques and learn everything new on these topics constantly.
    What made me start coaching others was that I’ve not only learned every possible technique I’ve found throughout my journey, but I’ve also applied each and every one, and I kept integrating the ones that worked into my system and kept the ones that didn’t out.
    I have read more than 2000 books (I don’t know the exact figure – I am giving you a conservative figure) in self improvement, business management, fiction and many others.
    There are many books I have read in one sitting. Even today, I read one book every week.
    I am a certified NLP Trainer and I will share with you what I’ve learned in NLP in this course.

  • q-iconI am a newbie; would this course be suitable for me? or Do I need to have some prior knowledge before joining this course?

    When I was designing this course, I kept all kind of learners in mind . You don’t need to have any prior knowledge about anything for joining this course. Both beginners and intermediate learners have joined this course. All of them got results from the course. I also give lots of attention to fundamentals that are a must-know for all learners; that many experts might have overlooked.

  • q-iconWhat is the duration of this course? How many days will i have access to the course?

    This course has in total 12 modules.  They will be drip feed over the period of 3 months. You will have lifetime access to the course.

  • q-iconWhat results can I expect?

    If you follow my system you can see significant changes in your reading speed. Few students have shown an increase in reading speed up to 300%. It is completely possible.
    You will be able to read a book in a day if you spend enough time.
    Warning: There are many factors to consider that would affect your results, like the amount of time you spend, how hard you try to apply and practice the lessons you learn, the completion of assignments, your dedication etc.

  • q-iconHow does this differ from other courses?

    This course is designed by me after going through all major courses available in the market and after applying it myself. I have done lot of testing on what works and what doesn’t work. I will be teaching you what works and I will provide you with complete system and you don’t need to purchase any other course afterwards.

  • q-iconWill I have to incur any other expenses? Or Are there any hidden costs?

    You need  not incur any other cost other than what you invest in this course

Core Package
  • Complete Online course
  • Strategies, templates, checklists to master your learning skills
  • Email Support for 6 months
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Coaching Package
  • Complete Online course
  • Strategies, Templates,Checklists to master your learning skills
  • Email Support for 12 months
  • Priority support
  • Detailed Analysis of challenges you face while reading - personal attention
  • Accountability
  • Templates, checklists I have made after reading more than 2000 books. I will share them according to your needs.
  • My Notes and analysis of various best sellers
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 Get one to one coaching at every step.

Indian Customers -

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Guarantee: Try 'Be an expert learner Course' for a full 30-Days, 100% Risk-Free

Try the course for 30 days. If you don’t LOVE it, I insist that you get 100% of your money back.

It’s simple: Join the program and try it for yourself. If the strategies, checklists, templates don’t help improve your learning skills in 30 days, I want you to email me. Show me you did the exercises, and I’ll give you all your money back.