Using Pacer

In this lesson we are going to cover the concept of pacer. This is the solution to many problems an average reader faces. This will eliminate many bad habits and will help your eyes “not to move in jerks”.
I am sharing a video teaching you how to use the pacer.


Here are a youtube link explaining the same:

(Credit: This video is created by someone and not me)

 From today onwards make it a habit to read everything with pacer.  You can use your hand or pen or pencil as pacer.  Use of pacer should become a habit and it should come naturally from now. Initially, you may feel uncomfortable doing it. Don’t let this stop you. You will get used to it.  

Initially use pacer for all the words, that is use pacer from the first word of the sentence. After few days of practice, use pacer from the second word (as shown in the video).

Seems weird to use pacer:  

Many students who are introduced to the concept of pacer come to me and says it looks weird to use it.  It seems weird because you have not used it before. If you use it often it becomes a natural habit and the weirdness will reduce. Remember in old days, when you have to search for telephone number in phone book. I am sure, you used your finger of pen to guide you when you were looking for number. It is your natural instinct to use pacer, you just have forgotten it.

One of the common question that I get asked often is what will other people think if they see me using pacer.

The answer to the question is majority of the people don’t care about what you are doing and also just because someone else thinks what you do is weird doesn’t mean that they are correct.

What you are doing by using pacer is the correct way to read the text and also it is how your eyes work naturally.

 It is very important that you get this lesson right. Ask 100 questions if you have to. I don't mind answering the questions. I want you to get this concept inside-out. 
Action Steps:

  1. Read 5 pages using pacer and share your experience below.  I know it will feel weird in the beginning.
  2. Did you progress or regress when you were reading with pacer?


 ~Srinivas Reddy